بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Win XP pro SP3
jane 2013
نسخة الاكس بى الشهيرة
Windows XP professional SP3 -jane 2013
باخر التحديثات حتى تاريخ كتابة هذا الموضوع - مايو 2013
النسخة أصلية 100% خام من مايكروسوفت غير معدلة
تحتوى النسخة على انترنت اكسبلورر 8 و ميديا بلاير 11 و تحوى كذلك كافة التحديثات
و الرقع الامنية حتة تاريخ اليوم
جميلة امنة سريعة
سريالات التفعيل
= - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - =
= - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - =
General Infos
* This is the original Windows XP professional SP3 32-bit (Volume License) ISO from Microsoft.
* The installation process is
Unattended with the Prompt repair option.
* This Windows XP is updatable a Valid WGA CD-Key is already inserted and a WGA crack will be also
installed and a Windows XP Activation is not required.
* Includes all official and some unofficial Windows XP Service Pack 3 Updates till 14.3.2012. *
Over 200 MB integrated drivers for SATA/ACHI, LAN, WLAN and
* A lot of Windows XP settings have been already set and are also set for new created Windows XP accounts.
* Includes a Codec Pack that will
decode and encode almost every Audio and Video file format.
* Booting and
Running a little bit faster because some worthless Windows XP files and
Programs are removed and all the Windows XP Updates are slipstreamed.
* After the Windows XP installed you can choose if you want the
Preconfigured Settings and the Extra Programs to be implemented,
When nothing was selected after 60 seconds then the option Yes will be
automatically selected.
= - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - =
= - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - =
نسخة الاكس بى الشهيرة
Windows XP professional SP3 - april 2013
باخر التحديثات حتى تاريخ كتابة هذا الموضوع - إبريل 2013
النسخة أصلية 100% خاااااااام من قلب مايكروسوفت غير معدلة
تحتوى النسخة على انترنت اكسبلورر 8 و ميديا بلاير 11 و تحوى كذلك كافة التحديثات
و الرقع الامنية حتة تاريخ اليوم
ثبات و قوة و استقرار تام - ينصح بها دائما
يمكنك استخدام السيريالات التالية فى تفعيل النسخة فى حال
الحاجة إليها عند التنصيب
= - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - =
= - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - =
General Infos
* This is the original Windows XP professional SP3 32-bit (Volume License) ISO from Microsoft.
* The installation process is
Unattended with the Prompt repair option.
* This Windows XP is updatable a Valid WGA CD-Key is already inserted and a WGA crack will be also
installed and a Windows XP Activation is not required.
* Includes all official and some unofficial Windows XP Service Pack 3 Updates till 14.3.2012. *
Over 200 MB integrated drivers for SATA/ACHI, LAN, WLAN and
* A lot of Windows XP settings have been already set and are also set for new created Windows XP accounts.
* Includes a Codec Pack that will
decode and encode almost every Audio and Video file format.
* Booting and
Running a little bit faster because some worthless Windows XP files and
Programs are removed and all the Windows XP Updates are slipstreamed.
* After the Windows XP installed you can choose if you want the
Preconfigured Settings and the Extra Programs to be implemented,
When nothing was selected after 60 seconds then the option Yes will be
automatically selected.
تنويه : هذه الاسطوانة بصيغة أيزو ISO
تحميل من رابط واحد 574 MB
راوابط بمساحة 200mb